经典案例 经典案例
entry name-《梦幻吴哥》主题剧
Project location-柬埔寨暹粒省吴哥窟
Project overview-

After preliminary site investigation, research and evaluation, we have drawn up a detailed planning and its concrete implementation plan. In Sichuan·Cambodia Trade and Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference, which was held in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia in April, 2017, this project was introduced as a key project, for it will significantly extend and enliven the culture of Angkor Wat, enhance the cultural consumption, and increase regional tourism carrying capacity; meanwhile, local residents will find employment, thus their income increased, and receive a good vocational education, thereby achieving prominent comprehensive benefits.


Project introduction-

After preliminary site investigation, research and evaluation, we have drawn up a detailed planning and its concrete implementation plan. In Sichuan·Cambodia Trade and Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference, which was held in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia in April, 2017, this project was introduced as a key project, for it will significantly extend and enliven the culture of Angkor Wat, enhance the cultural consumption, and increase regional tourism carrying capacity; meanwhile, local residents will find employment, thus their income increased, and receive a good vocational education, thereby achieving prominent comprehensive benefits.